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Starting to find it hard to stay-a-float with an ever evolving tech world? Check out Remobi’s tips on how to crush career FOMO and take your professional life to the new tech heights. 🚀

Part 1 : Platforms

Saying that the internet is full of information in 2023 is a bit of an understatement. Every day, around 2–3 million articles are printed and uploaded online. Every nine years, we upload articles amounting to the population of humanity. That’s 8.1 billion articles. What makes it even more insane is the content itself. Let’s face it: not every article and author is, how to say it kindly, accurate in their assumptions, deductions, and conclusions. This makes it increasingly difficult to keep up to date with the right kind of information for your tech career. This series of articles will explore some of our favorite picks of newsletters, communities, platforms, and personalities to follow.

So, if you’re a tech professional looking to improve your existing skill set or add some new cool ones to your already slick CV, keep reading, buddy.

In this first part, we will focus on platforms. Platforms are a great way to keep up to date with the relevant knowledge in your field of expertise. Many jobs for tech professionals require certification, which can be obtained on several sites.

YouTube: YouTube is a treasure trove of tech tutorials, coding walkthroughs, and tech talks. Many tech professionals and educators share their knowledge and insights on YouTube, making it a valuable resource for self-paced learning.

Not only is YouTube free, but it also offers a large variety of alternative sources for each topic. With the proper research, you can access an unlimited number of resources.

Here are some of our favorite channels:

the coding train

2. FreeCodeCamp: To those of you who enjoy altruism and communities that work together with the common goal of helping each other, you just found your golden goose.

FreeCodeCamp is a nonprofit organization that offers free online courses and projects to help individuals learn coding skills and gain practical experience. It also provides opportunities to contribute to real-world projects and build a portfolio of work.

With more than 9000 tutorials and an active YT channel, FreeCodeCamp evolves with the trends to keep their community in the loop on the coolest new developments.

The great thing about both YouTube and FreeCodeCamp is that they are free. If you, however, have a few coins to spare, the next two might be a worthwhile investment.


free code cap

3. Coursera: Coursera partners with universities and organisations to offer online courses on various subjects, including tech-related topics. Top university professors teach many Coursera courses, providing a more structured learning experience.

It is a big, juicy favorite among several people within Remobi. The courses are up to date, designed by highly respected people in their field, and give you great accreditation.



4. LinkedIn learning: Another Remobi favourite. We use LinkedIn Learning within our community and internally in our company. The platform offers thousands of expert-led courses in a variety of tech-related subjects, ranging from software development and artificial intelligence to data science and cybersecurity. Furthermore, LinkedIn Learning is more than just an online course provider. It is also a powerful networking platform that connects learners with industry experts and like-minded professionals worldwide. This feature allows users to engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and gain practical advice from those who are at the forefront of technological advancements.


linkedin learning

We recommend the above platforms mainly because we use them within our community. Our experience with all of them is highly positive. With that in mind, the best course of action is to wombo-combo them to get the ultimate experience and crush everyone at your meetings with your spectacular knowledge.

If you’re a developer who would like to learn more about these tools and how to use them, why don’t you join our community by reaching out to us at

Live long & stay up to date.

-Team Remobi-

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