We have received reports about fraudulent messages circulating on WhatsApp and Telegram, wherein the sender pretends to be recruiters or recruitment agencies, including Montash. These messages promote counterfeit job advertisements and aim to extract personal information from recipients.
Similar to deceptive emails or texts impersonating banks or mobile service providers, these scammers employ malicious tactics to acquire your data and information.
We want to alert our candidates to a prevailing scam targeting job seekers. Fraudsters may contact you with job offers, intending to obtain your personal information or request payment.
If you receive a message on WhatsApp or Telegram claiming to be from Montash and suspect it to be a phishing attempt or scam, we urge you to block the number and/or report the scam by forwarding it to 7726 – a free reporting service offered by phone operators.
For additional guidance on identifying phishing messages and taking appropriate action, please visit the Action Fraud website: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report-phishing. Here are some tips to recognise a phishing message:
- It's a message that you weren't anticipating.
- It originates from a number or email address that you don't recognise.
- If it contains a link, refrain from clicking it.
- It promises unrealistic salaries or working arrangements.
- Requests for money or personal details, such as your CV, are included.
- The advertisement is poorly written and contains spelling errors.